Tabletop games
Old game redesigned
The goose game is a centuries old classical table top game, which always got renewed over the times. In todays fast paced lifestyle, our fortune is mainly formed by digital communication as it has an important role in our lifes, so in this new version of goosegame, the icon world of smartphones and devices lead us on our way by their commands.
The new version of the game follows the virtual life of the 21th century's people.
The "on" sign symbolising the start of this life, while the "off" its end, while in beetween the device's battery life can be followed through, with the company of other icons replacing the classical symbols of the game. The classical bridge symbol got replaced by the new "link" icon as a symbol of connection, the labyrinth got replaced by the internet where its just as easy to get lost in, while the jail's separation from the world is symbolised with the unavailable internet connection. The goose symbols kept their original leading forward or pulling you back role on the board, but with a twist: now these areas are for fortune card pulling, making the game more intresting and unpredicable this way.
The deck includes two saving cards too, which can be used, to avoid certain situations.
My game was exhibited in a playable form in the "Te jössz?!" - (Your turn!) named exhibition of the Kiscelli Múzeum from 2018. February 17. until April 29. and from Juny 15. until August 20.
Photos: Péter Pictures,
Vasarely Domino
The game of colours and shapes
Under my years in university, I designed this unique looking domino for the Vasarely Museum's shop, fitting in and reflecting on the exhibitions shape and colour world, Vasarely's creativity.
The game was exhibited on the "Brand/pack" exhibition of the Metropolitan University, beetween 2016. September 13 and 22. under the Galamb steet 6, Budapest 1052.
The exhibition got opened by Zoltán Halasi graphic designer and teacher of the Univertisy.
"We live in that fortunate world, where we can be a part of a new galaxy's forming. Can observe the online and offline, or digital and analog worlds fight against eatch other..."
Quote from the opening speech of the exhibition.
Exhibition opening photos by:
Benkő-Molnár Fanni